Sunday, February 14, 2010

Chills And Galll Bladder Attack Why Do We Sometimes Get Chills Up Our Spine At Pleasant Things?

Why do we sometimes get chills up our spine at pleasant things? - chills and galll bladder attack

For example, listen to music, sometimes songs that I love, I am a great tension in the back. This may be accompanied by emotions. It also often comes to me while watch the films. The right piece of music played at the right time, or an incredible theater, cinematography or direction I can chill my spine enormous.

I think it might be like when people say, "gave me chills in the back" unpleasant things, such as cooling events such as a strange voice.


steve said...

For the same reason that if you're drooling ejaculate Corndog UR, fun, theres a mental and physical stimulation and messages to the brain, which may be released in the form of energy transmitted, the travels through the spinal cord.

Katelyn said...

I have no idea, but it comes to me. Like when you hear good music? I believe that reacts with sensors in the brain to feel the release of certain types of chemicals, probably as endorphins or adrenaline or something.

Gary S said...

lol I sometimes, like when you drive too fast to hear your favorite part of a song very well. For me, the more so in the context of fear and a sense of wonder. : D

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